Saturday 2 January 2016


 Metanoia (n) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.

As usual it's been quite a while. I am obviously not very good at this blogging thing BUUTT now that I have gotten myself a new laptop [my birthday gift to myself] and I don't work two jobs anymore, I am better able to sit and write to my hearts content.

It's a new year, wow how time flies. I look forward to this year even though it started off sucky with my period coming & killer cramps, ugh. With this year brings new challenges which I am giving myself to break out of this cocoon that I have so masterfully created and am yet to shed and evolve into the person I know I can be. So as of my 26th birthday, I decided I would give myself 26 challenges to accomplish, some of which are goals I have set many times over and have yet to achieve, some of which are new & some of which I have weighed over in my mind many a times but never really brought myself to doing. All in all my main goal/ challenge is actually accomplishing all 26 because I am the queen of setting goals or saying I am going to do something, start it and then after a few days/week/months I do away with it and that's that.

One of my Christmas gifts was a journal, which because of the sap i am i cried over, for me to keep track of my challenges. Along with that journal, I will try and update also on my blog as I overcome these challenges, the trials I face and the feeling of gratitude, freedom, love and maybe some discomfort that I may face through it all. Some things a may not share in specific detail because of maybe how personal it may be to me and how it may probably affect someone else that it relates to, but I will be as honest as possible with everything.

Each goal set, are to help me break through barriers, to find peace, happiness, love and to be as realistic with myself while pushing myself past certain comfort zones. Meditation is one of the key factors in which I plan to get from one stage to the next. Allowing myself to accept all forms of abundance the universe has to offer me while releasing any and everything that tries to interfere with that.

Love always,


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