Thursday 8 May 2014

A love falling on a deaf heart

It's exhausting trying to convince someone that you love them. No matter what you say or do they are just not seeing nor believing.

When I was in my teens, I used to find it hard to express my feelings because I felt like it made me weak and allowed for someone else to have something over me. But when I do find the courage, which for some time now I have, to express how I feel, beleive that whatever is said comes from the heart. The Sagittarius in me finds it hard not to be straightforward with what is being said.

I love to love and when I do I love really hard. So it pains me that each and every time I do express this feeling, its as if it falls on a deaf heart. Therefore I have decided that I will not force my love on anyone who doesn't want to accept it. 

"Speak your heart. If they don't understand,  the message was never meant for them anyway. " -Yasmin Mogahed

He used to understand my heart but now he doesn't anymore. I guess the message is no longer meant for him.

There is no pleasure or joy in locking out love. Our hearts don't always match the beat of another but turning off the sound won't help it create song with the one that is right for it.



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