Wednesday 21 May 2014

Tuesday's should be his days off too

Tuesday's are my day off, no job in the day nor night. So most times I wake late and my mom doesn't rush to get ready since she doesn't have to take me to work. My son usually "suffers" because then we drop him off late and honestly half the time I don't even want to let him go, unless I have things to do on the road, because I want to just hug him up, watch cartoons with him and play games. Swear if I wasn't trying to be responsible, Tuesday's would be his days off too.

Monday my mom went to Portland and was to come back in early yesterday to take my son to school. As we waited for her to come, we sprawled all over her bed, took mirror pics, drank tea together, played and eventually a let him watch some cartoons over the net on live stream. I enjoyed every minute of it. My mom didn't reach in till late therefore Jaz, who still wanted to go to school and since I had to go on the road to deal with something, I let him ( if I didn't I would have kept him home lol), got there at something to 12.

After I finished doing what I had to do or not doing what I was supposed to do because the person I was to meet with couldn't meet anymore,  I headed home. On the way home I got a call from one of my favourite mom friends asking me to come by. Her daughter, who is her second child is a day older than Jaz. We officially met in the hospital after seeing each other at doctor visits for months. Anyway, since I was going there I decided to go get Jaz from school. Mind you it was almost 2pm therefore Jaz had only been at school for 2 hours. *covers face*

I spend so little time than I would like with him due to my jobs so when I get time with him I really don't want to let him go. So really I do believe Tuesday's should be his day off too.




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