Monday 19 May 2014


So every now and then I shall divulge 10-20 facts about myself, the good the bad and the ugly lol.

1. I love the beach. A mean how can you not? When I am there I am just in utter bliss. Unfortunately I haven't been there in so long. Need to find someone to take me.
2. I loooove to read. Give me a good book and I am lost to the world.  Again something I haven't done in a long time. Sigh.  But I have created a list of books to order.
3. I don't use the first layer of a fresh role of toilet paper.  I just think its bad or whatever lol
4. Similar to above, I don't use the first dollop of a new toothpaste.  Yes I am weird.
5. I used to have a half innie now I have a full outie after having my son.
6. I love food.
7. If there are two items of product on the shelf in the supermarket I won't take it cause I don't want the other to be lonely lol.
8. I cry for every little thing now that I am a mom.
9. I have slept with 3 people in my life. I love sex but I don't sleep around.
10. If you are even a day younger than me, for some reason, I don't know, I will no longer be interested in you if I was before.  I can surely be friends with you though.
11. Since having my son, my nails and hair growth is amazing.
12. I HATE shaving but have no time to go wax. I literally shave only if I have to, if not it's shirts with sleeves and long pants, dresses or skirts for me. Or I ask my babydaddy to do the shaving, he doesn't mind and most times offer. Now I need to find another shaver.
13. I have a thing for organic products.
14. I like odd numbers.
15. My breast went from a B to a tripple D and quite possibly an E when I was pregnant with my son and while breastfeeding.
16. I am DEATHLY AFRAID of starting over with someone new. (Will elaborate in another blog post)
17. I want 5 kids, but will settle for 3.
18.  I love learning new things and teaching myself new things.
19. I had my son at 20.
20. I smoke but don't consider myself a smoker because I rarely do it. I may smoke when I go out or if I am really stressed/pissed off.

Now you know 20 things about me that you may or may not have known.



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