Monday 29 September 2014

It's finally here!!...Happy Handemade Home

So my Happy Handmade Home book has finally arrived and I am soooo excited about it. Been waiting for it to get into my grasp.I pre-ordered it just to make sure that as soon as it was out I would get it.Since happening upon A Beautiful Mess' instagram page and website I have been in love with these sisters, their DIY projects, Recipes, decor ideas etc. The creative soul in me get's such a high each time I go on their page. The vibrant colours that they use have me completely memorized.

So if you are a DIY crazed, food loving, creative being like myself, head on over to their site, I can guarantee you won't be disappointed. I also urge you to go and purchase their book.


Thursday 25 September 2014

Sending some goofy love

So I am completely in love with my brother [my son's paternal uncle, I am an only child]. He is just simply the best. He is like no other for sure & is such a great friend. He is definitely my best friend. Hoping to go spend Christmas with him this year, just me & Jaz. *fingers crossed*. Decided to send him some goofy love with my goofy kid.


Some pizza, a computer & some home work!!

 His colourful cake...i just loved it

He makes eating pizza & watching Peppa Pig on the floor look so cool. Also home work is a breeze for this kid, though after, he called for his cousin to help him because he said mama was being too strict lol. Love this kid.


What I wore!!

If you read my previous post, you will see where I spoke about my son's Birthday Party, Sunday gone. Below I will show my outfit that I made.

Sequoia Designs: Black & grey printed, romper.
[I apologize for the mess in the background but all the party prep turned my home into a hurricane disaster zone]

P.S, I also apologise for the pic quality, I actually didn't get to take a picture earlier in the day because I was so busy getting everything together, so before I changed I snapped some quick shots.


Al Rescate!!! [to the Rescue]

Sunday, September 21, we held Jaziah's 4th birthday party. It had been delayed because of back to school preparations and then he was sick. I am happy we were able to make it happen & he definitely enjoyed it. I still cannot believe he is 4 years old.
Go Diego Go!! was the birthday party theme as requested by him. Mind you his birthday party was to start at 3:00pm and I actually did not get to reach his dad's house until 3:00pm to set up because I was still getting party favors etc., together for the party. Talk about late. Next year I am going to try and have everything prepared from the week before.....or so i hope to.

  The cake his aunty got made for him

 Had to get a pic of my Diego in front of Diego.

 Cutting the cake with his best friends.

 His Diego Vest & Rescue Pack made by me.

The "loot" bags I made for the kids.

I am grateful to everyone that came and who helped make it happen. My child is truly blessed.


Sunday 14 September 2014

September = OLJ!!!

It's SEPTEMBER, so that means that I am leaving my night job. It's just been too much for me honestly and now that Jaz has started a new school I want to be more present for him. Also I really want to focus on building my business.  So at the end of this month I shall be leaving my night job [and actually hopefully I hope to start a completely new job, with better pay].


He's FOUR!!!!

It's been four years since I have had my kiddo & each and every year he celebrates his birthday I am in disbelief as to how big he has gotten. Unfortunately he was sick for his birthday but his party is coming up and now that he is better it shall be grrreeeaaatttt!!!

This kid.

Four years of kisses

I miss his chunkieness

Think it's a thing where when we are at daddy's house he avoids my kisses.

I have certainly enjoyed every single year that he has been in my life and look forward to many more years. He has brought so much joy into my life. Sometimes I still look at him and ask myself if he really is mine. I thank God for blessing me with him. Love him unconditionally.

Happy mama,

My Schoolaz!!!

My son has started "Big School" and he is so excited about it. Each morning when I go to drop him off he hugs me and says "Mummy am a big boy now". It makes me soooo happy. He's gone a week [he missed out couple days because he was sick] and each day when I leave him, I still get a bit teary eyed. Yes I am the biggest mommy nerd in life lol. So far he loves school and I am beyond overjoyed that between his father and I, we were able to give our child this opportunity to attend one of the best Prep Schools in Jamaica.

MY schoolaz!!!


Looking for a toy in class.

At the end of the 1st day,

Just standing in class

He wanted me to read to him.

He also wanted grandma to read to him.

Orientation day. Fixing his bag which I made for him.

Doing school work in class

Walking to devotion

Breakfast as we head to school.

The first day of school/orientation day, parents were to leave the kids after the information session in the Auditorium. Well this mama right here, after staying in the classroom to wrap my son's books, decided she would wait until school ended, which was about midday....again biggest mommy nerd in life.

Me sitting & waiting. 
Pants; Sequoia Designs [made by me]

Proud mama,

Friday 8 August 2014

My lack of blogging

So as you can see, I suck at blogging but it's not because I have nothing to say or I don't want to it's because I blog from my phone and I find it very much a hassle. I am working on getting a tablet or ipad so I can move around with it but I prefer a bigger screen and easier maneuvering from one item to the next. The laptop I have sucks and doesn't work so I can't even use that.

Bare with me. I will try and be more ontop of my blogging. There is quite a lot happening for me to share so I will try and get back on it.


Monday 21 July 2014

What I wore 19/7/2014

From now on I am going to showcase outfits that I have worn, mostly created by me.

The following is what I wore to work on Saturday for a little party that was happening.

Top: actually a dress I wore New Years day that a friend had given to me.
Pants: made by me from my up coming line "Sequoia"


Wednesday 16 July 2014

Breaks my heart everytime

Whenever I have to leave for work my son cries and becomes sad. Most times he is at his dad's house with his grandma so he doesn't really "miss" me when I have late night work, but once he is at my home he cries. It breaks my heart everytime. I hate having to leave him and I hate having to go to work.  It doesn't help that I think I am missing out on his growth. I feel like a bad mother.

Sigh hopefully in due time things will change and I will be more present in his life.  That is my ultimate goal.


Monday 14 July 2014


The past two years have been a bit trying for me. A lot of changes, mistakes, heart aches, stress etc. But it has also taught me a lot. About others and about myself. It really has been a roller coaster ride which I hope will come to an end soon. But until then I am learning to adapt & adjust.

I am learning to

  • Be alone and appreciate that loneliness
  • Love myself.  Find the beauty in every inch of me. I am my worst critic and tend to nit pick everything,  from the way I look to the person I am. Need yo love me more
  • Take my own advice ( I think we all have this problem)
  • Be more of a go getter. I see many of my friends and people I know accomplishing their dreams and I know it's all because they put themselves out there. I need to learn to do this. I think I tend to play it too safe.
  • Step outside my comfort zone. My haircut has been a step in that direction.
  • Ask for help. Sometimes my pride gets the best of me.
  • Be more patient. Becoming a mother has taught me patience but I could do with a lot more.
  • Chose my words carefully. I tend to be a bit blunt which not everyone can handle. 
  • Pray & meditate more. When i do these they bring me peace but I haven't been doing much of it so I need to get back on track.
  • Realise that I am enough. I worry a lot if I am enough for my son n if I will be enough for someone (this is due to past relationships)
  • Worry less. I worry about practically everything.
  • Accept the things and people that I cannot change. 
  • Lower my expectations but not my standards.
  • Realise that I am blessed. God has graced me with a mother,  friends, a son and a "brother" that are amazing and at times I forget that. I also have life and am able to take care of things that need to be taken care of.
  • To be happy. Not to settle but to learn to be happy, no matter what. There is beauty in everything and I need to learn to see that.

Short hair, who cares

So in a previous post you saw where I cut off my locs. A new journey, recreating myself and just learning to be more comfortable in my skin. A drastic change I definitely needed, as a push for myself. But since that last post, I have cut my hair yet again. Now I am bald and rocking a twa (okay so maybe I am not technically bald lol).

Since that barber cut, I havr rocked a fade and then a mohawk with side designs. Mind you, I asked for simple, the barber gave me a graphic design (aaahhhh). Thankfully my hair has grown out so no more design and I have less of a square cut due to my constant trimming of since my visit to the barber.

Now I must say I LOVE my new haircut. Think it fits me. I actually think I look like a model and so do other people (pity I don't have the body of a model). With this new do I am experimenting with new lip colour and fashion. Will elaborate on my make-up must haves and fashion go-tos in future posts.


Wednesday 9 July 2014

My Knight in Shinning Armor

My son has Fairytale Day at his Summer School today. Since it was his first week and he started yesterday ( school started last week) it was a bit last minute. Regardless, he wanted to be a knight & being the creative and crafty mom that I am, I made his entire costume.

All items made by me with limited resources.  Boots were made last year as part of his piarte costume for his Jake & Netherland Pirates themed party.

My son was beyond excited.  It's not an A+ creatin ( I am a bit of a perfectionist) but it did it's job. Happy I could do this for him and make him happy.
